Wildfit Review (2023): Is This Mindvalley Course Worth It?

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Wildfit review

I’ll be the first to admit it: I hit a slump. I put on some weight and lost muscle.

Haven’t we all? They even have a name for it now: the quarantine fifteen.

I was fed up. I wanted to get back in shape. And, like many of you, I was tired of counting calories. I wanted something that wouldn’t need math!

That’s when Wildfit came into the picture. Wildfit is a 90-day diet and coaching available on Mindvalley that focuses on creating a healthy diet that helps you drop the weight without counting calories.

But does it work? I decided to dive in to see if it actually works.

Read on in my comprehensive Wildfit Review to see if Wildfit is right for you.

What is Wildfit?

What is wildfit

Wildfit is a 13-week, 90-day lifestyle course that wants to help you adopt a more natural, healthful diet and get you to crave that healthful diet. This diet, which is introduced slowly through the weeks, is combined with motivational speeches and some psychology to help you want to jump on the diet, to want to take that next step, to want to stay away from the ice cream and ultimately lose weight.

The course in hosted on Mindvalley, a popular online education platform. It’s metered out over 90 days of videos lessons, prerecorded Q&A calls, and recipe PDFs that help you eat according to the Wildfit program.

Wildfit places the vast majority of its efforts on dieting. Wildfit claims (and this is probably accurate) that 95% of weight management is due to diet, not exercise. When you realize that a 3 mile jog probably burns 300 net calories, and you typically consume around 2,000 calories a day, you see that exercise can only account for about 15% of your daily intake.

To lose a pound a week, you need a net reduction of 500 calories per day. That’s 5 miles running every day.

Or, you can get that by focusing on what you eat. And that’s where Wildfit comes in.

(If you’re wondering which Mindvalley course is the best one for you, Ideapod’s new Mindvalley quiz will help. Answer a few simple questions and they will recommend the perfect course for you. Take the quiz here).

What type of diet is Wildfit?

At its heart, Wildfit is a low-carb, high-protein diet. Even in its marketing, it mentions that it is similar to keto and paleo. These diets have the benefit of not restricting calories (like weight watchers). On the flipside, they restrict what you can eat.

Wildfit is a little different in that it doesn’t remove food groups all at once. You don’t go cold turkey. Instead, one week you remove added sugar. Then later you remove fruit. Eventually, you’re eating lean proteins, veggies, and good fats.

It becomes a very low-carb diet.

This isn’t to diminish what Wildfit is — Wildfit’s benefit comes from its daily check-ins and motivational videos that keep you engaged and on the right track. It’s super easy to pick up a book outlining a low-carb diet. It’s not super easy to sustain it over 90 days.

That is what Wildfit hopes to do — help you sustain that motivation.

Who teaches Wildfit?

wildfit Eric Edmeades

Wildfit is taught by Eric Edmeades — a motivational speaker and entrepreneur.

He founded Wildfit after having been overweight for much of his early life. Being overweight, he developed a number of health problems — allergies, breathing problems, swollen tonsils — and was frustrated that all of his health problems were being treated by ineffective cures. Bandaids on a bigger problem.

That’s when he hit upon nutrition as an answer to his problems. What he was eating had a serious effect on his health.

This motivated Eric to change his diet and lose the weight. He focused on a low-carb, high-protein, leafy green diet. As he lost weight, his health problems went away.

After losing the weight, he started the Wildfit program to help others eat more healthful diets to lose weight and stay healthy.

Who will like Wildfit?

Wildfit is great for anyone who needs motivation and check-ins on a diet. That is what separates Wildfit from any other low-carb diet — the 90 days of content that you can interact with in order to stay on track.

This content takes the form of motivational speeches, lessons that you can use to possibly retrain your mind and body to no longer crave junk food, and recipes that you can implement into your daily life.

Wildfit is also great for people who want to ease into a low-carb diet. Wildfit doesn’t start out with massive restrictions at the top. Instead, it gently eases you into a low-carb diet by removing added sugar and later shifting into a more intense low-carb diet.

Additionally, if you’re the type who wants to focus on dieting as opposed to exercising, you’ll appreciate Wildfit, as it doesn’t take exercise into account. No adding up this many miles or this many calories burned. No adding up at all. Just eating the foods that Eric tells you to.

That brings me to my last point: calorie counting. Wildfit does not require calorie counting or fasting. It does require you lay off the pizza, beer, and ice cream.

If you’re hoping to eat as much as you want and lose weight, then Wildfit might be your answer!

Who won’t like Wildfit?

Listen, Wildfit isn’t for everyone.

It’s a long, intensive diet that makes you cut out carbohydrates — the food that humanity has used for the bulk of our energy needs since we shifted from hunter-gatherers to farmers.

Low-carb diets are effective diets for losing weight, but they come with side-effects, including low energy, bad breath, and other unpleasantries. As always, consult with your doctor before going on any diet.

Wildfit’s diet requirements pretty much require that you eat at home and make your own meals. If you’re on the go or can’t get to the grocery with regularity, this might be difficult. Also, these meals require a lot of fresh fruits/vegetables as well as lean proteins (mainly in the form of meat). If you’re a vegetarian, this diet can be difficult. If you’re on a budget, this diet can add up quickly in expenses.

Lastly, if you’re not interested in psychology or food nutrition, then you won’t get much more out of Wildfit as compared to following a low-carb diet. If you don’t need the check-in or don’t want to hear the motivational speeches, then this product won’t do you much good.

But, if you’re curious to know how current food industries make their food addictive as opposed to nutritious, and you want to train yourself to crave quality food, not junk food, then you should definitely turn your focus to Wildfit!

How much does Wildfit cost?

Let me get this out of the way. Wildfit is expensive.

You purchase Wildfit through Mindvalley — an online learning platform that focuses on self-improvement. Mindvalley has an annual membership that allows you to access over 30 quests for a flat fee.

This course, however, is not included in that annual membership. Wildfit is a separate purchase.

It costs $699 for the 90 day course — around 7 dollars a day.

That is significantly more expensive than most Mindvalley courses — as well as their annual membership which costs $499 a year.

But, you do get a lot when you purchase Wildfit.

For $699, you get:

  • 35 hours of training split across frequent coaching videos over 90 days
  • Daily assignments, check-ins, and videos
  • F&Q sessions where Eric answers specific questions pertaining to the current week
  • Helpful workbooks, recipes, and targeted challenges
  • Access to course-specific community groups and message boards

It’s run very similar to a Mindvalley Quest. For those of you who’ve taken a Mindvalley quest (I’ve also taken Lifebook, Superbrain and Super Reading, among others), they typically run around 30 days and cost about $350. So, this course runs 90 days and costs $699. It’s 3 times as long and around 2 times more expensive.

The only main difference is that you can’t access it through the annual membership. You have to purchase it separately.

What do you learn in Wildfit?

Here’s what you’ll learn from Wildfit:

  • Amplify Your Energy. You’ll focus on easy dietary shifts to help boost your energy throughout each day.
  • Improve Your Health & Wellness. Focus on wholesome foods to holistically improve your overall health.
  • Strengthen Your Immunity. Boost your immune system through a proper diet.
  • Enjoy Deeper Sleep. Upgrade Your Eating Habits. Learn how to choose healthy foods to satisfy cravings.
  • Achieve Your Ideal Weight. Lose that fat and then keep those unwanted pounds and kilos off for good!
  • Regain Your Youthfulness. With a healthy body, you’ll find that your energy and movement will be vastly improved.
  • Lengthen Your Lifespan. A healthy weight can add years and even decades back onto your life!

This is what Wildfit promises that you’ll learn throughout the curriculum. But how is it broken down?

Wildfit is broken out into 13 weeks that are divided into three major parts.

Part one: Discovering what your body truly needs

Part one covers weeks 1 and 2 of the Wildfit program.

In the first two weeks, you’ll have a daily video with Eric where he teaches you about the six different types of hunger your body faces (I didn’t know there were 6, I thought there was one!).

He focuses on helping you understand your relationship with food — this is all about nutritional psychology. At this stage, you’re not cutting any foods out. Instead, you’re building the foundations of your future, healthy self. It’s all very motivational, and very encouraging.

Part two: Allowing your Natural Human Diet to take over

This is the bulk of the course, and it comprises weeks 3-10.

This section shifts from a daily video to a weekly one, along with a weekly coaching video. There still are activities to do each day, but there no longer are daily messages from Eric.

Each week, you’ll be gently modifying your diet — removing added sugars at first, and then shifting into a more serious low-carb diet. By week six, you enter “Wildfit Spring,” where you eliminate fruit and sugar altogether. This lasts for five weeks.

Throughout this portion of Wildfit, there is an increased emphasis on your own mental state — how you feel when you eat these foods, how you handle cravings. The whole goal is to remove you from today’s Western Diet, and closer to something like a hunter-gatherer diet. Again, low on grains, high on protein and fresh vegetables.

There are recipe cards for each week to help you on your diet — along with a smoothie recipe called “alkagizer” that changes each week. Funky name aside, the alkagizer serves as a powerful blend of vegetables and fruits that you are encouraged to drink throughout the day to manage hunger.

A typical day

A typical day in part two might look something like this:

  • Drink 6-8 glasses of water
  • Have 2-3 pieces of fruit on an empty stomach
  • Increase vegetables at each meal
  • Drink Alkagizer Mild
  • Continue to Remove refined sugar
  • Continue to Remove dairy
  • Continue to Remove alcohol and caffeine
  • Observe your inner dialogue

These “continue to remove” elements are critical, and show how this is a gradual process. Don’t just cut it out — continue to remove it, until you no longer miss it.

At least, that’s the goal.

Part three: Releasing Weight Rapidly and Keeping it off

Part three lasts three weeks: 11-13.

In week 11, you go into Wildfit Summer, where you start to add fruits back in. Week 12 pushes you back into Wildfit Spring — helping you drop weight rapidly.

Week 13 focuses on helping you transition back into a sustainable diet. Wildfit is built around helping you lose weight, but you need a system for maintaining weight. After all, you don’t want all your hard work to go to waist (hahah, get it!?? Waist!).

So, you learn which foods are sometimes foods and which ones are rare foods, and you learn how to build a system that will keep your weight steady. It’s a helpful exit ramp after a 3-month program.

The pros and cons

It’s time for my favorite part of any review: where we recap the pros and cons.

This way, you can get a quick overview of which parts I think stood out and where I think the program could be better. Then, you can make your own informed decision as to whether or not you should give it a shot.

Wildfit Pros

Let’s start with the pros. And Wildfit has a lot going for it. I really enjoy how much content there is in this course.

  • So much content. Like all Mindvalley courses, Wildfit has a lot of content. That’s really great for a 90-day diet, as it helps keep you motivated and on track. Each day, you can check off your tasks as you complete them. Fall off the wagon one day? No problem, just jump back on the next day. This system of motivation and accountability makes the difference when it comes to dieting.
  • Focuses on good nutrition. This diet doesn’t require any weird, specialty processed foodstuffs. It’s all fresh, all healthy vegetables and proteins. These are, objectively, foods that are good for you.
  • No calorie counting. You don’t have to limit how much you eat! Eat however much you want — of the things that are available to you on the Wildfit diet. This helps manage cravings, letting you binge on healthy choices.
  • Has a variety of recipes. Wildfit provides recipes (particularly the Alkagizer smoothies) to help ensure that you’re eating the correct foods while on the Wildfit program. This makes you feel like you’re being taken care of, and not fed to the wolves.

Wildfit cons

There were a few things that I wished Wildfit had done better. Let’s take a look at them here.

  • This is just a low-carb diet. Wildfit is a low-carb diet. It’s a low-carb diet with coaching, slick videos, check-ins, and pretty scripts, but it’s a low-carb diet. I say this, because you can get a low-carb diet plan many different places. You can’t get all the bells and whistles anywhere else, but you should know going into this that Wildfit is based on already existing diets.
  • The coaching videos were hit-or-miss. I personally wasn’t the biggest fan of Eric’s videos. He has a tendency to ramble, filling the time with anecdotes that aren’t always relevant. It’s a diet, not a philosophy course, so I questioned the importance of many of the videos. Some videos were great, and had helpful hints and strong foundations in nutritional science. But again, it was hit-or-miss.
  • The price. It’s $699. That’s not pocket change. That is a very expensive program for a diet that is based off of a free diet: the low-carb diet.

My verdict: is Wildfit worth it?

Let me paint you a picture of the person that Wildfit is perfect for. Wildfit is great for someone who:

  • Yearns to make a lifestyle change to lose weight
  • Doesn’t want to count calories
  • Is excited by frequent check-ins and video messages to keep motivation high
  • Is energized by a low-carb diet
  • Wants to learn how nutrition impacts overall health
  • Has the money to spend on a 90-day diet program.

If you want a motivating, challenging plan based around a low-carb diet, and aren’t put off by the $699 price tag, then I certainly believe Wildfit could be a great fit for you.

But for me, I couldn’t get past the whole “no more coffee” part. Coffee is life.


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Brendan Brown

Brendan Brown is a professional editor and writer for Hack Spirit.
For the last 8 years, he has owned The Expert Editor and Global English Editing. Before that he was a writer for a number of Australian-based news publications, specializing in politics and religion.
As a writer for Hack Spirit, he focuses on breaking down complex topics and making them more accessible. In particular, he likes to write about relationships, practical psychology, and online education.
Brendan graduated from Deakin University in 2007 with a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Law.
Born and bred in Melbourne, Australia, he now calls Thailand home. If you want to connect with Brendan, check him out on Facebook.

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